Right here in Orange County there are over 2,200 children in the child welfare system. With your help we are fearlessly working to ensure each vulnerable child is safe in a loving family.
Our focus is on preventing abuse, stopping the cycle, and transforming lives. We stay the course by focusing on One Life at a Time®, and address each individual’s unique needs with care and compassion.
With your help, we can make beautiful transformation stories a reality every day. Thank you.
New Orange County Children and Family Resource Center and Teen Apartment Homes

Steven Bernardy
Trustee President
Merill Lynch
Lori Feeney
Vice President
D & L Environmental
Carrie Brock
Coastal Real Estate
Paul Cannon
Goodrich, Thomas,
Cannon & Reeds, LLP
Gary Clark
President, Team Clark
Debbie Ferrée
Vice Chairman &
Chief Merchandising Officer
DSW, Inc
Brenda Hale
Senior Vice President &
Regional Manager
Union Bank
Gloria Lee
Rutan & Tucker, LLP
Randy Lindros
Community Bank
Allie Marion
Allie Marion Photography
Jeff Mathews
Owner & General Partner
Arden Limited Partnership
Tim Mustard
TCA Architects
Kelly Neavel
Klinkert, Gutierrez & Neavel
William Neavel
Director, IT and Security
Paul Nienow
Managing Partner
Nienow & Tierney, LLP
Jeff Olson
Skinner Fouch & Olson, LLP
Dan Pennington
Managing Member
Pennington Family Office
Randy Rider
HUB International Ins. Services
Chad Rutan
Rutan Corp.
Patricia Scoma
United Healthcare
Jatin Sharma
Nardac Insurance Services
Terri Sjodin
Principal & Founder
Sjodin Communications
Erica Sylvia
Financial Consultant, CPFA
AXA Advisors, LLC
Gretchen Valentine

Executive Director
“Olive Crest’s values of Truth, Grace and Servanthood are a perfect challenge for how I choose to lead and who I care to become. The families, staff and volunteers of Olive Crest are inspiring in their tireless work to heal and transform lives. It is a privilege to be a part of offering hope!”