Back-to-School Drive Success
On Saturday, August 20, over 900 backpacks were distributed to children and teens unable to afford basic school items this fall. Almost all of the families we serve live at or below the poverty level and even small things like outfitting children with backpacks and essential supplies can be a heavy financial burden.
Our goal was to collect 600 backpacks and we are proud to inform you that through the outpouring of generosity from donors and companies, Olive Crest collected over 1,100 backpacks and will continue distributing to needy families throughout the next few weeks. In addition, Elwood Clothing donated brand new clothes to go along with the backpacks and Dolby Laboratories donated refurbished laptops for our Project Independence youth that are attending college.
It truly is a collaborative community effort. On behalf of Olive Crest kids and families, we would like to thank the many individuals and organizations that supported our back to school backpack drive!