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Preventing Teen Homelessness in Los Angeles County

Jorgette's Journey to Hope

At 19, after aging out of the child welfare system, Jorgette faced homelessness and mental health struggles. With no trusted adult to turn to, she felt hopeless and lost. Then, her twin sister introduced her to Olive Crest.

“When I was at Olive Crest, it wasn’t my circumstances or my past; I was just able to be Jorgette. You gave me every tool to turn into my own person at my own pace,” she shares.

With the support of Olive Crest, Jorgette found a safe haven and the help she needed to rebuild her life. Now, she is pursuing an English Linguistics degree at UCLA and plans to obtain her Doctorate. Jorgette credits Olive Crest for giving her a place where she could flourish without judgment.

The Growing Crisis in Los Angeles

Over 20,000 children are in the child welfare system in Los Angeles, and over 60% of Transitional Age Youth who aged out, end up homeless. These numbers are rising, showing the urgent need for support.

“While we’re proud to have served over 200,000 children and families, like Jorgette, there’s more work to be done,” says Olive Crest CEO, Donald Verleur. “With your support, we plan to prevent teen homelessness and serve 1.2 million children, teens, and families by 2030. Will you stand with us?”

Fill out the form to get involved so you can change lives and provide hope.

Thank you for standing with Olive Crest to create Strong Families and Safe Kids. Together, we can make a lasting impact.

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